So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish (The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy) - Douglas Adams (1985)
ISBN 9780330287005
Genre Fiktion
Verlag Pan Macmillan
Erscheinungsdatum 17.05.1985
Sprache Englisch
Including everything you wanted to know about the first three books but never thought to ask. "He lost all faith in the straightforward operation of cause and effect the day he got up intending to catch up with some reading and ended up on a prehistoric earth with a man from Betelgeuse and a spaceship-load of alien telephone sanitisers....". Left at the end of Life, The Universe And Everything with the address for God's Final Message To His Creation, Arthur Dent let this crucial information slip his mind. He tries everything to jog his memorymeditation, mind-reading, hitting himself about the head with blunt objects. But none of it works. Of course, as everyone knows, the answer lies in making life flash before your eyes....
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Seitenanzahl 192